Career Minded Tweets

From finding out what your favorite celebrity is up to, to finding expert advice or even keeping in touch with friends, Twitter has proved to be a fantastic resource for many people. And did you know that there are a TON of people using Twitter who are focused on helping others achieve their career goals? To help you weed out the good advice from the bad, we've put together a quick list of Tweeters you may want to add to your follow list.

Author of "The Wow Factor" and articles such as "How to Get Through Second and Third Round Interviews", Frances Jones gives expert advice on how to set yourself apart from the crowd in today's volatile business world.

Adrienne Waldo is best known for her blog "Ask a Millennial" which is all about helping Gen Y-ers with their careers from a Gen Y perspective. Adrienne leads you to articles such as "Are you an 'invincible' employee?", "Tips for Staying Motivated in an Unrewarding Job Market" and more.

Anita Bruzzese is a nationally syndicated columnist on the workplace and award-winning journalist. Also a highly rated speaker, she has addressed audiences on topics ranging from taking control of your career and avoiding workplace blunders. Her blog "45 Things" is full of helpful career advice and she updates Twitter with regular posts.

Juilia Erickson shares ideas and tools for transforming your career, improving your work life, and fulfilling your mission.

Raven Moore's The Writerbabe Series is a blog that explores professional, pop-culture and newsworthy topics. Her tweets direct you to her own writings and to other writers' works, as well as interesting news items she comes across. The blog is quirky and will make you stop and think.

Grace Kutney is a campus career counselor with years of experience and a great resource blog. She tackles topics such as "Should You List Your LinkedIn or Twitter Address on Your Resume?" and "How to Interview a Potential Life or Career Coach."

Lewis Lin consistently updates Twitter with links to his blog which is filled with great advice to help you ace your next interview. He also uses Twitter to direct you to other author's articles which have great advice.

Want to find more career resources?
These are just a few career minded Tweeters that we found on Twitter. If you're looking for additional career advice, make sure to check out our Candidate Resource Center. It's filled with great advice from searching for your next job to interviewing to becoming a super star employee.