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Academy of Human Resource Development
The Academy of Human Resource Development was formed to encourage systematic study of human resource development theories, processes, and practices; to disseminate information about HRD, and to encourage the application of HRD research findings.
AHI's Employment Law Resource Center
The Academy of Human Resource Development was formed to encourage systematic study of human resource development theories, processes, and practices; to disseminate information about HRD, and to encourage the application of HRD research findings.
American Society for Training & Development
ASTD is the world's premier professional association and leading resource on workplace learning and performance issues.
A complete online resource delivering the information benefits decision makers need to keep current, conduct research, benchmark and share ideas and solutions with their peers.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
The Bureau of Labor Statistics is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics. The BLS produces impartial, timely, and accurate data on the social and economic conditions of our Nation, its workers, its workplaces, and the workers' families.
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