Book Reviews
Summaries of best sellers and cutting edge ideas on HR, leadership and other personnel management issues.
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75 Cage Rattling Questions to Change the Way You Work
by Dick Whitney
Asking the old questions, according to authors Dick Whitney and Melissa Giovagnoli, means getting the same old answers. And that can be deadly for any group or company that wants to move ahead. Instead, they offer 75 outrageous, thought-provoking questions that clean out the corporate cobwebs and get workers’ minds working in new and productive directions. Drawing from their own experiences as top international business consultants, Whitney and Giovagnoli provide field-tested "cage-rattlers" that can help improve leadership, resolve on-the-job conflicts, stimulate innovation, facilitate better communication, and much more. Additionally, the guide benefits individuals as much as it does teams, small groups, small businesses, and larger corporations.
Asking the old questions, according to authors Dick Whitney and Melissa Giovagnoli, means getting the same old answers. And that can be deadly for any group or company that wants to move ahead. Instead, they offer 75 outrageous, thought-provoking questions that clean out the corporate cobwebs and get workers’ minds working in new and productive directions. Drawing from their own experiences as top international business consultants, Whitney and Giovagnoli provide field-tested "cage-rattlers" that can help improve leadership, resolve on-the-job conflicts, stimulate innovation, facilitate better communication, and much more. Additionally, the guide benefits individuals as much as it does teams, small groups, small businesses, and larger corporations.
Generations at Work: Managing the Clash of Veterans, Boomers, Xers, and Nexters in Your Workplace
by Ron Zemke, Claire Raines, Bob Filipczak
Walk through the tightly packed, hierarchically flattened corridors of America's businesses and what do you hear? Not the sounds of harmony. Instead, you'll probably hear the grumbles of irritation as people with wholly different ways of working, talking, and thinking have been tossed together side by side, cubicle by cubicle. It's the teeth-gritting sound of generations in collision.
Walk through the tightly packed, hierarchically flattened corridors of America's businesses and what do you hear? Not the sounds of harmony. Instead, you'll probably hear the grumbles of irritation as people with wholly different ways of working, talking, and thinking have been tossed together side by side, cubicle by cubicle. It's the teeth-gritting sound of generations in collision.
How to Choose the Right Person for the Right Job Every Time
by Lori Davila, Louise Kursmark, Lori Davila, Louise Kursmark
Coauthored by a hiring consultant to Coca-Cola, Nortel, Siemens, and other Fortune 500 companies, How to Choose the Right Person for the Right Job Every Time explains the advantages of behavioral interviewing and shows managers how to: Identify the skills and characteristics they want in a candidate. Develop an interview format. Ask the right questions--includes 401 sample questions.
Coauthored by a hiring consultant to Coca-Cola, Nortel, Siemens, and other Fortune 500 companies, How to Choose the Right Person for the Right Job Every Time explains the advantages of behavioral interviewing and shows managers how to: Identify the skills and characteristics they want in a candidate. Develop an interview format. Ask the right questions--includes 401 sample questions.
Orbiting the Giant Hairball: A Corporate Fool's Guide to Surviving with Grace
by Gordon MacKenzie
Creativity is crucial to business success. But too often, even the most innovative organization quickly becomes a "giant hairball"--a tangled, impenetrable mass of rules, traditions, and systems, all based on what worked in the past--that exercises an inexorable pull into mediocrity. Gordon McKenzie worked at Hallmark Cards for thirty years, many of which he spent inspiring his colleagues to slip the bonds of Corporate Normalcy and rise to orbit--to a mode of dreaming, daring and doing above and beyond the rubber-stamp confines of the administrative mind-set. In his deeply funny book, exuberantly illustrated in full color, he shares the story of his own professional evolution, together with lessons on awakening and fostering creative genius.
Creativity is crucial to business success. But too often, even the most innovative organization quickly becomes a "giant hairball"--a tangled, impenetrable mass of rules, traditions, and systems, all based on what worked in the past--that exercises an inexorable pull into mediocrity. Gordon McKenzie worked at Hallmark Cards for thirty years, many of which he spent inspiring his colleagues to slip the bonds of Corporate Normalcy and rise to orbit--to a mode of dreaming, daring and doing above and beyond the rubber-stamp confines of the administrative mind-set. In his deeply funny book, exuberantly illustrated in full color, he shares the story of his own professional evolution, together with lessons on awakening and fostering creative genius.
The American Bar Association Guide to Workplace Law
by Barbara J. Fick
The law affects just about every aspect of work, from hiring to firing to retiring. Now, as they've done with wills and estates, home ownership, family law, and consumer law, the American Bar Association has written this clear and compact guide to all the law that one needs to know, whether employee or employer. As in all ABA books, the advice is dependable and in plain English--not "legalese."
The law affects just about every aspect of work, from hiring to firing to retiring. Now, as they've done with wills and estates, home ownership, family law, and consumer law, the American Bar Association has written this clear and compact guide to all the law that one needs to know, whether employee or employer. As in all ABA books, the advice is dependable and in plain English--not "legalese."
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