10 Basic Skills Every Employee Should Have

By Sharlyn Lauby

Regardless of your job title, this is a list of skills that companies expect everyone to possess.

Some might say this list is basic -- and it is. Some people might add that everyone already has these skills so there's no point in talking about it. Not sure I'd agree. I'm hearing frustration more frequently from recruiters that candidates don't have these skills.

  1. Communication (written and verbal): You don't have to speak professionally or write a book. Employees do need to know basic grammar and sentence construction. And when in doubt, know how to look rules up. The AP Style Guide is your friend.
  2. Computer: No more hunting and pecking on a keyboard. Companies today expect employees to know how to apply for a job online and take computer-based training. They also expect employees to have introductory Word, spreadsheet, and presentation processing skills.
  3. Customer Service: The majority of jobs being created today are in the services industries. Understanding the value of customers is essential. This includes the proper way to greet customers, remembering their names, and answering customer inquiries.
  4. Empathy: By now, we all understand that empathy is not sympathy. But empathy can be very difficult to learn. It's a key component to customer service, effective communications and teamwork.
  5. Learning: Being a lifelong learner is not just a workplace slogan. It's a reality. Today's workplaces require us to continuously learn new skills. Employees should be open to new learning experiences, aware of how they prefer to learn, and be prepared to articulate their learning style to management.
  6. Math: We're not talking algebra or trigonometry. Employees should know basic arithmetic. And I'd go so far as to say basic statistics. Oh! And learning how to count money back only makes good sense. Not only to make sure you're getting the right change but someday the cash register might be broken.
  7. Organization: I'm going to lump into this category planning and scheduling. Everyone has multiple things going on in their lives. We all have to find a method for keeping a list, putting it on a calendar, or whatever. But forgetting stuff all the time isn't an option.
  8. Problem Solving: Other people cannot solve all your problems. Employees need to be able to do some critical thinking, reasoning and problem solving on their own.
  9. Research and Information Gathering: This links back to many of the other skills I've mentioned. In today's world, we have to figure some stuff out on our own. Whether it's searching the computer forums to troubleshoot a problem we're having or collecting data to soothe an unhappy customer.
  10. Teamwork: No matter who we are and what job we have, it's impossible to do it alone. Employees must be able to work with others. This means communicate effectively with them. Empathize with their issues. And learn from them. Virtual workers are not exempt from this.

Now, here’s the thing about this list – these are basic skills that every employee needs. Want to really go far in your career? You better gain some kind of expertise in them!

A quick career development exercise for anyone: For each of these skills, rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (1=very little knowledge to 10=consider yourself to be an expert). Any area you've rated yourself less than a 5 might be worth some focus. You can develop skills by doing three things.

Reading: books, blogs, magazines, or online content

Listening: podcasts, webinars, or attending conferences

Doing: volunteering for a task or practicing a skill during training

Over time, I expect this list will change. Because the workplace is changing all the time.

About the Author: Sharlyn Lauby, SPHR is president of ITM Group Inc., a consulting firm which focuses on developing training solutions that engage and retain talent in the workplace. The company has been named one of the Top Small Businesses in South Florida.

She is also the author of the blog HR Bartender, a friendly place to talk about workplace issues. The blog has been recognized as one of the Top 10 Business Blogs Worth Reading by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and SparkHire's Top 25 Must-Read Blogs for Employers.

Her personal goal in life is to find the best cheeseburger on the planet.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
Johnson & Hill